

How to use this compass

To find the North direction with this compass, rotate your phone until the red arrow is pointing directly to the North marking N. Once aligned, you'll know the North direction and can read the other ones from the dial.

If you want to know your current GPS coordinates, you can get them by clicking the red GPS button (and also granting geolocation permission).

If the compass accuracy is low, calibrate it by drawing a figure-eight in the air.

Keep in mind that not all smartphones, and very few desktop devices, have a magnetometer, so this compass won't work on every device.
The accuracy may vary based on your device's hardware and environmental factors (or might be completely off), so don't use this online compass for safety-critical tasks.

What is a compass and how do they work?

A compass is a navigational instrument used to find the direction towards the magnetic North pole. It typically consists of a freely moving magnetized needle that aligns itself with Earth's magnetic field. Since Earth acts like a giant magnet, the needle points to its magnetic North pole, allowing us to determine the North and, by extension, East (E), South (S), and West (W) directions, arranged clockwise every 90° on the compass dial.

This online compass works by using your phone's magnetometer, a small electronic sensor that measures Earth's magnetic field and determines the North direction.

What are compasses used for?

Compasses have a lot of different applications:

  • Navigation: Guiding ships, airplanes, and people in the right direction.
  • Orienteering: A sport that combines maps and compasses to navigate unknown terrain.
  • Diving: To navigate in low-visibility conditions.
  • Education: To teach about magnetism and geography.